Your Swiss Army knife for all things ADHD

The Modern
ADHD Guide

Words have incredible power. They shape our thoughts, give voice to our experiences, and connect us to others who can relate. When it comes to ADHD, finding the right words is especially important. That's what this guide is all about.

Having the words to describe your experience can help you:

Understand your neurodivergent mind

Advocate for yourself at work or in relationships

Break the shame cycle and live your best life

The three ADHD types

It's important to keep in mind, these types aren't fixed categories. Many people with ADHD experience a mix of these characteristics, and how you feel can change from day to day or even throughout the day.


You might feel a strong urge to be active. Sitting still could be challenging, and you may prefer engaging in activities that keep you moving or allow you to release energy.


You might find it tough to keep focused on tasks, especially if they're not highly interesting. Your mind might wander to different thoughts, making it tricky to concentrate on one thing for a long time.


You experience both—you might feel restless at times and also notice that your attention shifts frequently. It's a blend of wanting to be active and finding it hard to stay focused.

ADHD coaching

You don't have to go it alone!

Feel like ADHD is a getting in the way of you living your best life?  You're not alone. Many brilliant minds just like yours wrestle with distractions, procrastination, and staying organized. At Shimmer, we see ADHD differently—not as a deficit, but as a unique way of interacting with the world that requires unique tools. Let’s unlock those tools together.