
How Do Gaming Mechanics Impact Mental Health?

3 Best Game Genres for ADHD

Published on
May 10, 2024
  • Gaming mechanics dictate the actions or activities that players must perform to progress or advance in a game.
  • These mechanics benefit players' mental health by creating a positive outlet for stress and providing a healthy dopamine boost.
  • Depending on the game mechanics, players can enjoy increased mental stability and cognitive function.
  • Studies have confirmed that specific game mechanics have clear mental health benefits, especially for those with Autism or ADHD.

Ever thought about gaming as more than just a fun way to pass the time?

Gaming has a lot of haters, so the idea that gaming can actually be good for you - and even improve mental health - may appear counterintuitive at first. After all, isn't gaming typically seen as a solo venture that could lead to endless nights glued to the screen, isolation, and maybe even a touch of addictive behavior?

It turns out, quite the opposite is true.

A growing body of research is actually highlighting the benefits of video and computer games, particularly for mental health and overall well-being, especially among those with autism and ADHD.

It's clear that the time has come for us to start thinking about gaming as a valuable tool. Games can foster community, enhance social skills, and offer a controlled environment to test strategies for coping and focus. Whether it’s role-playing games that simulate social interactions or strategy games that demand attention to detail, gaming is revealing its capacity to be a valuable tool in our mental health toolkit. And with the increasing acceptance of digital solutions in therapeutic spaces, gaming could just be the unexpected hero we’ve been overlooking.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how the virtual worlds of gaming can actually bring real-world benefits to those of us navigating the challenges of ADHD and beyond.

Mental Health Benefits of Video Games

Let's begin by addressing some of the ways that gaming, in general, enhances mental health.

Studies confirm that there are common positive effects of gaming, such as:

  • Relaxation and decompression
  • Connection and community
  • Fun and excitement
  • Accomplishment
  • Learning and skill-development
  • Stimulation
  • Self-discovery and actualization

To capitalize on these extensive benefits, numerous contemporary initiatives are already using games and virtual worlds to treat mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. These games may be VR, AR, or mixed reality, or they may be simple card or puzzle games that stimulate and challenge the brain. However, regardless of the game type, they all produce a similar result. The player is given a creative outlet, a safe space to escape reality and work through emotions, and the opportunity to relax and destress. This avenue shows great promise due to video games' affordability, accessibility, and global availability. Based on this premise, it is not hard to imagine a future in which well-designed games are being used more widely in mental healthcare.

Negative Effects of Video Games

On the other side of the coin, there are the unhealthy effects and associations of gaming, such as:

  • Isolation and loneliness
  • Low mood
  • Rage
  • Addiction
  • Disease

Many of these negative factors are connected to over-indulgence, binging, and imbalance. This is where the components of a particular game reveal their importance - one of these vital components being the gaming mechanics. The question is, how do we mitigate and minimize these negative aspects while promoting the more positive ones? The answer may lie within the realm of gaming mechanics.

What are Gaming Mechanics?

So, what are the elements that determine whether a game and the player can access healthy engagement and balance, and how can we understand this relationship? Unsurprisingly, there is an array of these, but one of the more subtle and impactful is the concept of gaming mechanics. Despite some disagreement about the exact limitations and definition of the term 'gaming mechanics,' there are some notable and clear lines we can draw around the concept.

Gaming mechanics are a central part of game design and the main influence on gameplay. They may be described as one of the foundations on which a game is built. Examples of types of gaming mechanics include:

  • Action Mechanics – The player controls objects or characters to progress in the storyline. These mechanics can include dodging obstacles, jumping, shooting, or completing an activity or action that allows them to progress.
  • Strategy Mechanics: Players must use their problem-solving and decision-making skills to This can include solving a puzzle, managing resources, or planning a combat strategy.
  • Exploration Mechanics – These mechanics require players to explore or discover new areas or look for hidden objects or clues to progress or advance a level.
  • Role-playing Mechanics – Players can customize their characters to ensure their survival in a virtual world. These mechanics often require players to select specific objects, outfits, or skills that will help them progress through the game by completing missions or quests.

Essentially, gaming mechanics are the rules, elements, structures, and processes that govern a game. They define what it means to progress, interact with other players, succeed, and fail, and they also determine what makes a particular game's experience unique. If gaming mechanics make up the gameplay, and the gameplay is what a player predominantly experiences, it’s these mechanics that impact a player's engagement and relationship to the game.

Healthy Gaming Mechanics

Games with good gaming mechanics are elegant, simple, enjoyable, intuitive, energizing, and varied. The main results of good gaming mechanics are:

  • Flow
  • Motivation
  • Emergent gameplay
  • User experience
  • Progression
  • Player agency
  • Open-ended exploration

Prime Examples of Games With Mental Health Benefits

Different types of games positively affect people in varying ways, and many of the challenges those with ADHD or autism face can be lessened by playing. The following are examples of how different types of games offer their own unique benefits:

  • Solitaire and Destressing. Solitaire is a classic game with clearly defined limitations and outcomes. Essentially, it is a mental exercise in which the player chooses to take part in an unfolding process. Most players associate relaxation and winding down with a game like Solitaire and this sensation is all down to the mechanics in the game design. The actions required are almost meditative and allow players to focus on something other than stressors or sources of anxiety. In doing so, the mind becomes calm, and feelings of tension and anxiety subside. The same benefits apply to more complex games across genres.
  • RPGs and Depression. The immersive nature of role-playing games (RPGs) offers a way for players to achieve goals within a created environment under certain conditions. Gaming mechanics define the conditions and structure, while a player's sense of identification, success, excitement, and enjoyment are a direct result of experiencing these mechanics. This allows them to remove themselves from their environment and enter a neutral space where they can distance themselves from their problems. Even when a game might be more violent or combative, the mechanics enable a player to remain in a relatively healthy state during and after periods of gameplay. This comes down to the balance of rewards that trigger a dopamine release to the frustration and learning that is possible in a gaming environment.
  • Sports Games and Anxiety. The pandemic provided us with a very particular set of circumstances, most strikingly characterized by restriction of normal movement and human activity. With this backdrop, [research has shown]( gaming components of Nintendo,in the mental health composite.) that games and technology that include physical exercises or elements in virtual spaces can address some of the more negative effects of quarantine. This example may apply more broadly to individuals with restrictive health conditions, providing safe and manageable amounts of activity and movement within a home or care facility.

ADHD and Video Games

For individuals coping with ADHD, video games can offer a unique set of benefits due to their ability to provide constant stimulation and engagement. Many games require players to rapidly shift their attention, react quickly to changing circumstances, and multitask – all skills that can be challenging for those with ADHD. By practicing these skills in a controlled and engaging environment, individuals with ADHD may improve their ability to focus, prioritize tasks, and respond to external stimuli.

Additionally, many video games incorporate elements of reward and accomplishment, which can be particularly motivating for individuals with ADHD. The dopamine rush associated with achieving goals, leveling up, or unlocking new content can provide a sense of satisfaction and encourage continued engagement. Finding ways to apply these characteristics to everyday tasks - often called gamification - can help to counteract common ADHD challenges with motivation and task completion.

It's important to note, however, that while video games can offer benefits for individuals with ADHD, moderation is key. Like any activity, excessive gaming can lead to negative consequences, such as neglecting other responsibilities, social isolation, and disrupted sleep patterns. It's crucial to find a balance and incorporate gaming as part of a broader strategy for managing ADHD symptoms, which may also include medication, therapy, and other coping strategies. One way to leverage the potential benefits of video games for ADHD is to carefully select games that align with specific areas of difficulty. For example, strategy games that require long-term planning and resource management can help improve executive functioning skills, while action games that demand quick reflexes and divided attention can enhance processing speed and focus. Additionally, multiplayer games that involve collaboration and communication can provide opportunities to practice social skills in a low-stress environment.

Ultimately, video games should be viewed as a tool in the ADHD management toolbox; not a panacea. When used intentionally, in moderation, and in conjunction with other evidence-based interventions, they can be a fun and engaging way to improve ADHD executive functioning skills and experience the psychological benefits of gaming, such as stress relief, escapism, and a sense of accomplishment.

Are You Game for Change?

Gaming mechanics play a major role in how a game impacts a player’s mental health. Good gaming mechanics visibly link to players' brain chemistry, playing habits, and mental stability. The ability to escape what is often an inherently overwhelming world, and to benefit from gaming mechanics that promote positive emotions and increased well-being, is an incredibly valuable resource. It can be used to great advantage for anyone with autism or ADHD, or simply anyone suffering from mental health challenges.

If you’re ready to make some changes in your mental health, especially in coping with ADHD, work with a Shimmer ADHD coach to experiment with strategies and to find a routine that works for YOU. Expert ADHD coaches can help you gamify everyday tasks, routines, and habits to improve motivation and consistency. Get the support you need to press start on your journey now.

Live better, with ADHD
Shimmer is the #1 coaching platform for adults with ADHD. Build a life you love through personalized 1:1 video coaching, handcrafted productivity tools, and science-backed learning modules.