For adults with ADHD, mindfulness can be a powerful ally in managing symptoms and finding calm amidst the whirlwind of thoughts and impulses. Just as sailors need navigational tools to chart their course through rough seas, mindfulness practices provide those with ADHD a compass to steer their attention and anchors to keep them grounded.
Our experienced ADHD coaches understand the transformative benefits of mindfulness and regularly recommend books, videos, apps and other resources to their clients. In this post, we've compiled their top picks to help you embark on your own mindfulness journey.
Coach-Recommended Mindfulness Videos
"I like this couple a lot. They're doing a daily mindfulness practice starting with this video. Highly recommend!"
- Coach Tory
Some common mindfulness practices are difficult for folks with ADHD, but there are plenty that work well for us. There are also some adaptations to common practices to make them easier for the ADHD brain. This video explains a bit about why traditional approaches may not work, and at 6:25, he demonstrates one of them.
Coach-Recommended Mindfulness Books
"The Mindfulness Prescription for ADHD is great! It's an 8-step self-help style book." - Coach Noelle
"I recommend the book Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff to a lot of my clients, as it has several mindfulness things in there, and research that shows the effectiveness of self-compassion in many different areas of life. The book links to a website for exercises throughout the book, and a 5 day self-compassion challenge, which is guided mindfulness for 5 days. I loved it for myself and my clients are finding a lot of value in it as well."
- Coach LeighAnna
"The Little Book of Mindfulness is an easy read, has some great nuggets on mindfulness and is soothing to look at! I re-read it often and give to others."
- Coach Tracy
Books can be hit or miss for people with adult ADHD. If you’re not much of a book person, though, the first two are available in audio format, and the last one is very ADHD-friendly.
Coach-Recommended Mindfulness Apps
"A client showed me a great app called How We Feel. I've been promoting it ever since."
- Coach Alex
"I am sure most people are aware of the Calm app but it really is my favorite for meditation - The Daily Trip with Jeff Warren is my go-to for daily meditation, and I love Jay Shetty for his nuggets of wisdom."
- Coach Tracy
If you aren’t familiar with the Calm app, it’s one of the oldest meditation apps out there. It’s got soothing music for sleep or just relaxation, plus guided meditations. The How We Feel app is a little newer. You can track your emotions, to see if there are any patterns over time - this can be very helpful for yourself, your ADHD coach, and/or your therapist, in order to uncover hidden triggers for low moods or unwanted behavior. There are also simple strategies for emotional regulation.
Coaches Favorite Mindfulness Quotes
"I read a quote, but I don't know the author: "If I was just being lazy, I would be having fun." I think it speaks to a lot of my ADHD clients because they were told or feel like they're being lazy, but they are just dealing with ADHD.”
- Coach Staci
"You are a creature. You are a creature. You are a creature. Sometimes it’s not that complicated. Sometimes you just need a snack and a nap. Anxiety is the overestimation of a problem, with the underestimation of your ability to overcome.”
- shared by Coach Jenny
“It is only when the mind is open and receptive that learning and seeing and change can occur.”
―Jon Kabat-Zinn, shared by Coach Alex
There’s something about a good quote that can really help make a concept stick. When you find a quote that lights up your brain, consider writing it down (writing is so much better for memory than typing!) and putting it up someplace you’ll see it regularly, like the bathroom mirror, or near the dining table. Switch up the location every once in awhile, or change the quote, to make sure it stays fresh!
Coach-Recommended Mindfulness Exercises
“This really helps me pause and take control over my thoughts and emotions.” - Coach James
Big emotions are a big problem for many people with ADHD. Skills like STOP are DBT-based, so they’re specifically tailored for emotional regulation, and are scientifically-backed. Another common mindfulness or grounding exercise is the 5-4-3-2-1 technique. I’ve found this technique to be hit or miss for folks with ADHD, since we’re able to think about so many things at once - so, I adapted it for ADHD - hopefully you’ll find this version a bit more effective.

Finding Your Mindful Anchor
From quick videos to provide a daily reset, to book wisdom to dive deeply inward, to apps that merge mindfulness with modern lifestyle - there are numerous resources to begin or reinvigorate your mindfulness journey. And remember, our expert ADHD coaches are just a message away if you need personalized guidance.
Anchor your mind, find your calm center, and navigate your life's course with the clarity that mindfulness can provide. After all, even those with ADHD weren't meant to merely survive life's crashing waves, but to master riding them with mindful presence.